Preventative Health
The Impact of Beverages on Preschool Children
Preschool years are a critical period for laying the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating. Evidence shows that food preferences and eating habits developed at this age are strong predictors of what they’ll eat when they’re older. Carbohydrate and fat intake at ages 3 to 5 is strongly correlated to carbohydrate and fat intake at 7 to 8 years of age, when they begin making more food choices on their own. Preschool years are…
Preventative Health
5 Summer Essentials for Kids (and Their Parents)
The only thing better than summertime is being a kid in the summertime. Whether you’re living the life at camp, making daily schleps to the town pool, or on a carefree staycation with the neighborhood kids, summertime and childhood are practically synonymous with happiness. To ensure that your kiddos stay healthy, safe, and happy this summer, first, avoid the Sneaky Snack Effect, which can get out of control in the summer months. In addition, we’ve…
Healthy Diet
The Five-Step Smoothie Secret
In general, I’m not a fan of drinking your calories. Food keeps you fuller longer than liquids.1,2 Many fast food and restaurant smoothies are filled with sugar and devoid of nutrients. But when they’re done right, smoothies can be a healthy, quick, portable snack or meal. They’re also a delicious way to get in your daily dose of fruits and vegetables as well as calcium, protein, and fiber, and other good-for-you nutrients, too. So fire…